208 research outputs found

    Med Dietrich Bonhoeffer pÄ vÀg mot en förnyad evangeliskluthersk tvÄrikeslÀra

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    I denna artikel stĂ€lls frĂ„gan om hur Dietrich Bonhoeffers teologi kan bidra till den pĂ„gĂ„ende debatten om religion och politik. FrĂ„n samhĂ€llets perspektiv gĂ€ller debatten bl.a. vad en ”sekulĂ€r” stat egentligen innebĂ€r och vilken plats religion ska ha i det offentliga rummet. FrĂ„n kyrkans perspektiv gĂ€ller debatten de kristnas – den enskildes sĂ„vĂ€l som kyrkans – roll i det politiska och sociala livet. UtifrĂ„n bĂ„da dessa perspektiv vill artikeln visa att Bonhoeffers förnyade tvĂ„rikeslĂ€ra ger viktiga impulser. Bonhoeffer hade en front mot vad han kallade en ”pseudo-reformatorisk tvĂ„regementslĂ€ra”, som han menar ledde till att kyrkan isolerades frĂ„n politiken. Samtidigt hade han en front mot det nazi-vĂ€nliga Deutsche Christen, som politiskt utnyttjande av kyrkan. Bonhoeffers egen lösning innebĂ€r en förnyelse av tvĂ„rikeslĂ€ran som Ă€ger fortsatt stor relevans. Den hjĂ€lper kyrkan att förbli fokuserad pĂ„ evangeliet om Kristus, samtidigt som den visar hur kyrkan har en uppgift i det politiska livet

    »Vem visar oss Luther?« Med Dietrich Bonhoeffer mot en fördjupad förstÄelse av reformationen och samtiden

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    Den övergripande frÄgan i artikeln Àr: Hur kan en evangelisk-luthersk identitet formuleras idag? I reflektionen över denna frÄga anvÀnds en central text av Dietrich Bonhoeffer, nÀmligen hans intrÀdesförelÀsning vid Berlins universitet frÄn 1931. Först presenteras och analyseras Bonhoeffers förelÀsning och den placeras i sitt idéhistoriska sammanhang. Den relateras till nÄgra av tidens ledande strömningar, bl.a. Martin Heidegger och existensfilosofin, Karl Barth och den dialektiska teologin och inte minst Karl Holl och lutherrenÀssansen. Sedan argumenteras för att Bonhoeffers teologiska position bÀst kan beskrivas sÄsom evangelisk-luthersk, formulerad utifrÄn modernitetens frÄgestÀllningar. Bonhoeffer anknyter tydligt till Luther under kritik av sÄvÀl Karl Holl som Karl Barth. Vidare kan man se Bonhoeffers teologi som en bearbetning av den kristendomskritik som hade framförts av bl.a. Friedrich Nietzsche. Liksom Nietzsche föregriper en kristendomskritik med post-modernistiska förtecken, sÄ föregriper Bonhoeffer frÄgestÀllningar som Àr aktuella i en teologisk reflektion över modernism och post-modernism. PÄ detta sÀtt vill artikeln visa att Bonhoeffer tar den lutherska teologin in i modernismen och att han kan vara till hjÀlp nÀr en luthersk teologi ska formuleras idag

    Active Image-Assisted Food Records in Comparison to Regular Food Records: A Validation Study against Doubly Labeled Water in 12-Month-Old Infants.

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    Overreporting of dietary intake in infants is a problem when using food records (FR), distorting possible relationships between diet and health outcomes. Image-assisted dietary assessment may improve the accuracy, but to date, evaluation in the pediatric setting is limited. The aim of the study was to compare macronutrient and energy intake by using an active image-assisted five-day FR against a regular five-day FR, and to validate image-assistance with total energy expenditure (TEE), was measured using doubly labeled water. Participants in this validation study were 22 healthy infants randomly selected from the control group of a larger, randomized intervention trial. The parents reported the infants' dietary intake, and supplied images of main course meals taken from standardized flat-surfaced plates before and after eating episodes. Energy and nutrient intakes were calculated separately using regular FR and image-assisted FRs. The mean (± standard deviations) energy intake (EI) was 3902 ± 476 kJ/day from the regular FR, and 3905 ± 476 kJ/day from the FR using active image-assistance. The mean EI from main-course meals when image-assistance was used did not differ (1.7 ± 55 kJ, p = 0.89) compared to regular FRs nor did the intake of macronutrients. Compared to TEE, image-assisted FR overestimated EI by 10%. Without validation, commercially available software to aid in the volume estimations, food item identification, and automation of the image processing, image-assisted methods remain a more costly and burdensome alternative to regular FRs in infants. The image-assisted method did, however, identify leftovers better than did regular FR, where such information is usually not readily available

    Cavitation dynamics and underwater radiated noise signature of a ship with a cavitating propeller

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    The paper presents SSPA’s work in the EU project AQUO to predict underwater radiated noise (URN) generated by a coastal tanker with a cavitating propeller. A CFD method, consisting of a multi-phase Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation (DDES) and a Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings (FWH) acoustic analogy, is applied to predict the cavitation, pressure pulses and radiated noise for the ship at model and full scale. In comparison with the data obtained from the model test and full scale measurement, it is found that the predicted sheet cavity correlates quite well with the observed ones in the experiment and sea trial. Some success is made in predicting the collapse and rebound of tip vortex cavitation (TVC) at model scale, yet the extension of TVC is under-predicted.The predicted pressure pulses agree reasonably well with the measured ones at the first three harmonics, deviation becomes larger at higher harmonics.The tonal noise has fairly good agreement with the measured signal at both scales up to 5th harmonics. The simulation however under-predicts part of broadband noise that is caused by the TVC, mainly due to an under-resolution of the flow in the tip region and the propeller wake. The agreement with the data for the model scale case is slightly better than that for the full scale case

    The Ringloc liner compared with the Hexloc liner in total hip arthroplasty

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    The aim of this study was to compare the 10-year survival rate, pelvic osteolysis frequency and linear head penetration rate of the Hexloc and Ringloc liners used together with a partially threaded porous and hydroxyapatite coated cup and the Bi-Metric uncemented femoral stem. The 15-year results for the cup with the Hexloc liner are also reported. We included 332 consecutive hips (166 Hexloc and 166 Ringloc) on 281 patients in the study. Revisions of prosthesis components were recorded and pelvic osteolytic lesions were assessed using radiographs and computed tomography. The linear head penetration rate was measured using the Martell method. The 10-year survival rate of the liner with revision due to liner wear and/or osteolysis as endpoint was 88% for the Hexloc liner and 98% for the Ringloc liner. The 15-year survival rate of the Hexloc liner was 67%. Pelvic osteolysis was found in 27% of the Hexloc and 19% of the Ringloc hips. After 15 years, 53% of the Hexloc hips had developed an osteolytic lesion. The linear head penetration rate was 0.16 mm/year for the Hexloc liner and 0.12 mm/year for the Ringloc liner. This paper is the first to describe the rapidly deteriorating survival up to 15 years with the old generation gamma-in-air sterilized polyethylene used in Hexloc liners. The newer Ringloc liner with the ArComℱ polyethylene has superior clinical results but a linear wear rate and frequency of osteolytic lesions that is higher than expected

    Verklighetsförankrad sÀkerhetskultur

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    Varje dag begÄs misstag utav mÀnniskor. För piloter kan dessa misstag bli fatala. LÀnge har man vid flygolyckor endast sett till de direkta misstag som blivit begÄngna och pÄ sÄ sÀtt skaffat sig en syndabock. I detta arbete kan dock vikten av att uppmÀrksamma faktorer som varit bakomliggande i organisationen pÄvisas. DÄ en olycka intrÀffar skiljer man mellan osÀkra handlingar och latenta förhÄllanden. De osÀkra handlingarna begÄs av personal som agerar i systemets frontlinje och Àr vad som utlöser sjÀlva olyckan. Latenta förhÄllandena kan uppkomma i en helt annan del av organisationen och ligga dolda dÀr under en lÄng tid. De kan vara en följd av beslut fattade av organisationens ledning, missförhÄllanden hos underleverantörer eller brister hos reglerande myndigheter. Latenta förhÄllandena kan sÄvÀl öka frekvensen av osÀkra handlingar som förvÀrra följderna dÄ en osÀker handling begÄs

    Acceptance of a Nordic, Protein-Reduced Diet for Young Children during Complementary Feeding—A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Early life is critical for developing healthy eating patterns. This study aimed to investigate the effects of a Nordic, protein-reduced complementary diet (ND) compared to a diet following the current Swedish dietary guidelines on eating patterns and food acceptance. At 4–6 months (mo) of age infants were randomized to a Nordic group (NG, n = 41) or a Conventional group (CG, n = 40), and followed until 18 mo of age. Daily intake of fruits and vegetables (mean ± sd) at 12 mo was significantly higher in the NG compared to the CG: 341 ± 108 g/day vs. 220 ± 76 g/day (p < 0.001), respectively. From 12 to 18 mo, fruit and vegetable intake decreased, but the NG still consumed 32% more compared to the CG: 254 ± 99 g/day vs. 193 ± 67 g/day (p = 0.004). To assess food acceptance, both groups were tested with home exposure meals at 12 and 18 mo. No group differences in acceptance were found. We find that a ND with parental education initiates healthy eating patterns during infancy, but that the exposure meal used in the present study was insufficient to detect major differences in food acceptance. This is most likely explained by the preparation of the meal. Nordic produce offers high environmental sustainability and favorable taste composition to establish healthy food preferences during this sensitive period of early life

    Acceptance of a Nordic, Protein-Reduced Diet for Young Children during Complementary Feeding—A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Early life is critical for developing healthy eating patterns. This study aimed to investigate the effects of a Nordic, protein-reduced complementary diet (ND) compared to a diet following the current Swedish dietary guidelines on eating patterns and food acceptance. At 4–6 months (mo) of age infants were randomized to a Nordic group (NG, n = 41) or a Conventional group (CG, n = 40), and followed until 18 mo of age. Daily intake of fruits and vegetables (mean ± sd) at 12 mo was significantly higher in the NG compared to the CG: 341 ± 108 g/day vs. 220 ± 76 g/day (p < 0.001), respectively. From 12 to 18 mo, fruit and vegetable intake decreased, but the NG still consumed 32% more compared to the CG: 254 ± 99 g/day vs. 193 ± 67 g/day (p = 0.004). To assess food acceptance, both groups were tested with home exposure meals at 12 and 18 mo. No group differences in acceptance were found. We find that a ND with parental education initiates healthy eating patterns during infancy, but that the exposure meal used in the present study was insufficient to detect major differences in food acceptance. This is most likely explained by the preparation of the meal. Nordic produce offers high environmental sustainability and favorable taste composition to establish healthy food preferences during this sensitive period of early life

    Plasma cotinine is positively associated with homocysteine in smokers but not in users of smokeless tobacco

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    Plasma total homocysteine (tHcy) is a risk marker, and smoking is an established risk factor for cardiovascular disease. It is unclear if the effect of smoked tobacco on homocysteine is mediated by nicotine or other combustion products in smoked tobacco. Snus (moist smokeless tobacco) is high nicotine-containing tobacco, and little is known about the effect of snus on plasma homocysteine. Therefore, we studied, in a cross-section of subjects (n = 1375) from the Northern Sweden Health and Disease Study, with strictly defined current smokers (n = 194) and snus users (n = 47), the impact of tobacco exposure on tHcy, assessed by self-reported tobacco habits and plasma cotinine concentrations. The snus users had higher cotinine concentrations than the smokers. Cotinine, creatinine, methylmalonic acid, and the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase genotype (MTHFR) T allele were positively associated with tHcy among the smokers, but not among the snus users. No association was observed between tHcy and the number of cigarettes/day. There was a positive association between cotinine and tHcy in the smokers, but not among the snus users. This indicates that substances other than nicotine in tobacco smoke could be responsible for the differential effects on homocysteine status. Self-reported smoking should be complemented by a cotinine assay whenever possible.publishedVersio
